Pre-Trip / Day 3
A Caring Person, Caring for Others
Scripture reading: 2 John 5-6
I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning.
I ask that we love one another...his command is that you walk in love.
About two weeks ago I had my grand daughter Maria with me traveling from store to store.
We were searching for the perfect doll to give our sponsored child Cinthia who just turned five
years old. After three stores and no doll; we decided to wait until another day. While driving home Maria (who was singing in the back seat humming as always) said, "Mema why don't I give Cinthia
my rage doll from Jamaica. It is just sitting on my shelf and I do not play with her because she is
special, but Cinthia needs her and would love her." My first thought was, but that is the doll I gave you from Jamaica. I looked in my rear view mirror...Maria was shining with joy!
I said; "Are you sure you want to give up your doll?" The answer I got was a good lesson for all
of us. Maria said, "You have always said it is better to give than receive. I want Cinthia to have
a doll that is special from me, because I know she will give it love".
Love...Love makes the world go around. Think about Maria sharing her doll....
This doll began it's journey being handmade by a person in Jamaica. I supported that person with a month worth of wages in buying the doll. The doll (Maria named Cimia-Cinthia & Mia) has lived in Michigan for three years sitting on a special shelf. Now Cimia will travel to Africa to a remote village to live with Cinthia. This is love making the world go round.
For a brief time our team will walk along side others who live in poverty daily. We have the opportunity to shine the light of Christ love -giving hope, promise, and joy with those we meet.
How do we walk along with others?
Galatians 6:2 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Definition of Burden: A burden is a heaviness of the heart, spirit, or soul-something that weighs us down emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.
There are two sources of burden:
Life's circumstances
To bear each other's burdens means we must take appropriate action and get involved. We can accomplish this through getting to know the person, so we can recognize how to best help them.
Our purpose should focus on restoration of the emotional, spiritual, and mental, or physical health of others. Our motive needs to be right.
Our motive John 13:34 tell us, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you love one another."
Attitude: Gentleness. We must approach others with compassion when bearing their burdens. A gentle person is one who is patient, caring, loving, kind, forgiving, and accepting.
Are you ready and available? The Lord wants to use you to be the "Light in darkness". Get your life in order so that you can help others return to fellowship with God.
Father; as we prepare for this journey, I pray that you will give us direction and help us to Shine the light that all might see you. All glory and honor be given to you Lord.
Mary P
I so appreciate Maria's story...and now Cimia's!